Cross-Border with Correspondent Bank
The CrossBorderWithCorrespondentBank API enables to initiate and process cross-border transaction between two financial institutions, excluding the instructing institution or intermediary institution where at least one financial institution has a correspondent bank relationship.
Method: POST
Name | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Payload Parameters
Parameter | Description | InstructionIdentification Mandatory |
String Unique identifier of the payment instruction Example – "f9a820da-7bcd-4941-b85c-201169ccf41a" | |
EndToEndIdentification Optional | String Unique identifier to track the transaction any time during the process Example – "31fe4401-d804-441e-b67a-44016b99b08f" |
Reason Optional | String Reason or purpose given for the transaction Example – "Loan Repayment" |
Channel Optional | String Channel through which the transaction happens Example – "WIRE" |
TransactionType Optional | String Type of transaction Example – "WIRE_OUT" |
TransactionCode Optional | String Specific code for the transaction type Example – "WIRE_OUT_CTP" |
Source Optional | String Name of the source system from where the payment request is initiated Example – "LEDGER" |
TransactionAmount Mandatory | Object |
Amount Mandatory | String Amount of the transaction Example – "21.00" |
Currency Mandatory | String Currency type of the transaction amount Example – "USD" |
Debtor Required | Object |
CustomerType Optional | String Customer type of the debtor (sender), which can possibly be the ‘Account Holder', ‘Account Holder Business' or ‘TSP' Example – "ACCOUNT_HOLDER" |
UserType Optional | String Type of the user based on user-role, which can be ‘Individual' or ‘Legal Rep' Example – "INDIVIDUAL" |
Identification Optional | String Individual ID of the debtor Example – "894100103" |
IdentificationType Optional | String Type of identification used for individual ID Example – "SSN" |
CustomerNumber Optional | String Unique ID provided for the debtor as a customer Example – "894100103" |
InstitutionNumber Optional | String Unique ID that identifies the financial institution Example – "123456789012345" |
Name Required | String Customer name of the debtor Example – "Nicholaus Abshire" |
NameInFile Optional | String Name of the debtor given in the payment instruction Example – "Nicholaus Abshire" |
Gender Optional | String Gender of the debtor as a customer Example – "Male" |
DebtorDateOfBirth Optional | Object |
Year Optional | String Birth year of the debtor Example – "1974" |
Month Optional | String Birth month of the debtor Example – "05" |
Day Optional | String Birth year of the debtor Example – "17" |
DateOfBirth Optional | String Date of birth of debtor in YYYYMMDD format Example – "19740517" |
DebtorPostalAddress Optional | Object |
AddressType Optional | String Address type of debtor Example – "HOUSE" |
AddressLine1 Optional | String Line 1 of debtor address Example – "2745 SW VILLA DIRAQ" |
AddressLine2 Optional | String Line 2 of debtor address Example – "Apt 304" |
City Optional | String City name of the debtor address Example – "Kansas City" |
State Optional | String State of the debtor address Example – "MO" |
ZipCode Optional | String Zip code of debtor address location Example – "66610" |
CountryCode Optional | String Country code of debtor's country Example – "840" |
Nationality Optional | String Nationality of the debtor Example – "USA" |
Country Optional | String Country of the debtor's location Example – "USA" |
DebtorContact Optional | Object |
PrimaryEmail Optional | String Contact email ID of the debtor Example – "" |
PrimaryPhone Optional | String Contact phone number of the debtor Example – "0016540010002" |
DebtorAccount Optional | Object |
AccountNumber Optional | String Account number of the debtor Example – "2001101" |
AccountType Optional | String Type of the debtor's account Example – "SAVINGS" |
AccountName Optional | String Debtor's account name Example – "GENERAL ACCOUNT" |
Institution Optional | Object |
Identification Optional | String Identification code of the debtor account financial institution, which is possibly the routing number Example – "021000018" |
IdentificationType Optional | String Identification type of the debtor account financial institution Example – "F" Possible values - B SWIFT Bank Identifier Code (BIC) C CHIPS Participant D DDA account number F Fed routing number U CHIPS Identifier |
Name Optional | String Name of the debtor account financial institution Example – "Bank Of New York" |
DebtorGeoLocation Optional | Object |
Latitude Optional | String Geographical latitude of debtor's location Example – "13.02354160" |
Longitude Optional | String Geographical longitude of debtor's location Example – "80.14923669" |
Creditor Required | Object |
CustomerType Optional | String Customer type of the creditor (receiver), which can possibly be the ‘Account Holder', ‘Non-account Holder', ‘Account Holder Business' or ‘TSP' Example – "ACCOUNT_HOLDER" |
UserType Optional | String User type of the creditor Example – "INDIVIDUAL" |
Identification Optional | String Individual ID of the creditor Example – "994140005" |
IdentificationType Optional | String Type of identification used for individual ID Example – "SSN" |
CustomerNumber Optional | String Unique ID provided for the creditor as a customer Example – "994140005" |
Name Required | String Customer name of the creditor Example – "Donnell Smith" |
CreditorAccount Optional | Object |
AccountNumber Optional | String Account number of the creditor Example – "2100000000000005" |
AccountType Optional | String Type of the creditor's account Example – "CHECKING" |
AccountName Optional | String Creditor's account name Example – "GENERAL ACCOUNT" |
Institution Optional | Object |
Name Optional | String Name of the creditor account financial institution Example – "Union Savings Bank" |
Identification Optional | String Identification code of the creditor account financial institution, which is possibly the routing number Example – "011102502" |
IdentificationType Optional | String Identification type of the creditor account financial institution Example – "F" Possible values - B SWIFT Bank Identifier Code (BIC) C CHIPS Participant D DDA account number F Fed routing number U CHIPS Identifier |
CreditorDateOfBirth Optional | Object |
Year Optional | String Birth year of the creditor Example – "1970" |
Month Optional | String Birth month of the creditor Example – "11" |
Day Optional | String Birth year of the creditor Example – "15" |
CreditorPostalAddress Optional | Object |
AddressType Optional | String Address type of creditor Example – "HOUSE" |
AddressLine1 Optional | String Line 1 of creditor address Example – "3745 SW VENEZULA CUBARD IRANMA" |
AddressLine2 Optional | String Line 2 of creditor address Example – "Suite C" |
City Optional | String City name of the creditor address Example – "Topeka" |
State Optional | String State of the creditor address Example – "KS" |
ZipCode Optional | String Zip code of creditor address location Example – "66610" |
CountryCode Optional | String Country code of creditor country Example – "840" |
Nationality Optional | String Nationality of the creditor Example – "VENEZUALA" |
Country Optional | String Country of the creditor's location Example – "VENEZUALA" |
CreditorContact Optional | Object |
PrimaryEmail Optional | String Contact email ID of the creditor Example – "" |
PrimaryPhone Optional | String Contact phone number of the creditor Example – "0017850010002" |
Customer Optional | Object |
Identification Optional | String Identification number of the customer Example – "4000100001000001" |
Name Optional | String Customer name Example – "Respondent Bank" |
AccountNumber Optional | String Customer account number Example – "2000000000000001" |
FedDetails Optional | Object |
FedSender Optional | Object |
Identification Optional | String Identification code of the sender bank of FED Example – "011102502" |
IdentificationType Optional | String Identification type of the sender bank of FED Example – "ABA" |
Name Optional | String Name of the sender bank of FED Example – "Union Savings Bank" |
FedReceiver Optional | Object |
Identification Optional | String Identification code of the receiver bank of FED Example – "021000018" |
IdentificationType Optional | String Identification type of the receiver bank of FED Example – "ABA" |
Name Optional | String Name of the receiver bank of FED Example – "Bank Of New York" |
BusinessFunctionCode Optional | String Code indicates the type of transaction or business purpose Example – "CTP" |
FiToFiInfo Optional | String Information between financial institution to financial institution Example – "SHA" |
ReceiverFiInformation Optional | String Receiver financial institution information Example – "Self-enabling" |
BeneficiaryInformation Optional | String Information to the beneficiary Example – "Client Refund" |
BeneficiaryFIInformation Optional | String Information about the beneficiary financial institutionExample – "Customer Credit Note" |
Risk Optional | Object |
MachineFingerPrint Optional | Object |
IpAddress Optional | String IP address of the device from which the transaction is initiated Example – "" |
OperatingSystem Optional | String Operating system of the device Example – "Mac OS" |
WebBrowser Optional | String Web browser used for transaction Example – "safari" |
Uuid Optional | String Unique ID of the device Example – "7609EFD3-CED4-440F-9C18-D330EE9311FC" |
Model Optional | String Model of the device Example – "iPhone" |
SystemName Optional | String System name of the device Example – "iOS" |
SystemVersion Optional | String System version of the operating system Example – "13.3.1" |
PhoneName Optional | String User name of the Mobile phone Example – "My IPHONE" |
Imei Optional | String Unique 15-digit serial number for identifying a device (International Mobile Equipment Identity) Example – "" |
SessionId Optional | String Unique identifier that a web server assigns to a user for the duration of the current session Example – "" |
OperatingSystemFamily Optional | String Specific operating system used for transaction belongs to which OS family Example – "MAC_OS" |
OperatingSystemProducer Optional | String Manufacturer of the OS Example – "Apple Computer, Inc." |
GeoLocation Optional | |
Latitude Optional | String Geographical latitude of the location where the transaction occurred Example – "39.75931104" |
Longitude Optional | String Geographical longitude of the location where the transaction occurred Example – "-105.01091174" |
- cURL
- C#
- Go
- NodeJs
curl --location --globoff '{{localCEUrl}}/analytics/rest/eventApi/event' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"InstructionIdentification":"f9a820da-7bcd-4941-b85c-201169ccf41a","EndToEndIdentification":"31fe4401-d804-441e-b67a-44016b99b08f","Reason":"Loan Repayment","Channel":"WIRE","TranactionType":"WIRE_OUT","TranactionCode":"WIRE_OUT_CTP","Source":"LEDGER","TransactionAmount":{"Amount":"21.00","Currency":"USD"},"Debtor":{"CustomerType":"ACCOUNT_HOLDER","UserType":"INDIVIDUAL","Identification":"894100103","IdentificationType":"SSN","CustomerNumber":"894100103","InstitutionNumber":"123456789012345","Name":"Nicholaus Abshire","NameInFile":"Nicholaus Abshire","Gender":"Male"},"DebtorDateOfBirth":{"Year":"1974","Month":"05","Day":"17","DateOfBirth":"19740517"},"DebtorPostalAddress":{"AddressType":"HOUSE","AddressLine1":"2745 SW VILLA DIRAQ","AddressLine2":"Apt 304","City":"Kansas City","State":"MO","ZipCode":"66610","CountryCode":"840","Nationality":"USA","Country":" USA "},"DebtorContact":{"PrimaryEmail":"","PrimaryPhone":"0016540010002"},"DebtorAccount":{"AccountNumber":"2001101","AccountType":"SAVINGS","AccountName":"GENERAL ACCOUNT","Institution":{"Identification":"021000018","IdentificationType":"F","Name":"Bank Of New York"}},"DebtorGeoLocation":{"Latitude":"13.02354160","Longitude":"80.14923669"},"Creditor":{"CustomerType":"ACCOUNT_HOLDER","UserType":"INDIVIDUAL","Identification":"994140005","IdentificationType":"SSN","CustomerNumber":"994140005","Name":"Donnell Smith"},"CreditorAccount":{"AccountNumber":"2100000000000005","AccountType":"CHECKING","AccountName":"GENERAL ACCOUNT","Institution":{"Name":"Union Savings Bank","Identification":"011102502","IdentificationType":"F"}},"CreditorDateOfBirth":{"Year":"1970","Month":"11","Day":"15"},"CreditorPostalAddress":{"AddressType":"HOUSE","AddressLine1":"3745 SW VENEZULA CUBARD IRANMA","AddressLine2":"Suite C","City":"Topeka","State":"KS","ZipCode":"66610","CountryCode":"840","Nationality":" VENEZUALA ","Country":"VENEZUALA"},"CreditorContact":{"PrimaryEmail":"","PrimaryPhone":"0017850010002"},"Customer":{"Identification":"4000100001000001","Name":"Respondent Bank","AccountNumber":"2000000000000001"},"FedDetails":{"FedSender":{"Identification":"011102502","IdentificationType":"ABA","Name":"Union Savings Bank"},"FedReceiver":{"Identification":"021000018","IdentificationType":"ABA","Name":"Bank Of New York"},"BusinessFunctionCode":"CTP","FiToFiInfo":"SHA","ReceiverFiInformation":"Self-enabling","BeneficiaryInformation":"Client Refund","BeneficiaryFIInformation":"Customer Credit Note"},"Risk":{"MachineFingerPrint":{"IpAddress":"","OperatingSystem":"Mac OS","WebBrowser":"safari","Uuid":"7609EFD3-CED4-440F-9C18-D330EE9311FC","Model":"iPhone","SystemName":"iOS","SystemVersion":"13.3.1","PhoneName":"My IPHONE","Imei":"","SessionId":"","OperatingSystemFamily":"MAC_OS","OperatingSystemProducer":"Apple Computer, Inc."},"GeoLocation":{"Latitude":"39.75931104","Longitude":"-105.01091174"}}}'
var options = new RestClientOptions("{{localCEUrl}}/analytics/rest/eventApi/event")
MaxTimeout = -1,
var client = new RestClient(options);
var request = new RestRequest("", Method.Post);
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
var body = @"{
" + "\n" +
@" ""InstructionIdentification"": ""f9a820da-7bcd-4941-b85c-201169ccf41a"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""EndToEndIdentification"": ""31fe4401-d804-441e-b67a-44016b99b08f"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Reason"": ""Loan Repayment"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Channel"": ""WIRE"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""TranactionType"": ""WIRE_OUT"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""TranactionCode"": ""WIRE_OUT_CTP"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Source"": ""LEDGER"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""TransactionAmount"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""Amount"": ""21.00"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Currency"": ""USD""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""Debtor"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""CustomerType"": ""ACCOUNT_HOLDER"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""UserType"": ""INDIVIDUAL"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Identification"": ""894100103"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""IdentificationType"": ""SSN"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""CustomerNumber"": ""894100103"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""InstitutionNumber"": ""123456789012345"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Name"": ""Nicholaus Abshire"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""NameInFile"": ""Nicholaus Abshire"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Gender"": ""Male""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""DebtorDateOfBirth"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""Year"": ""1974"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Month"": ""05"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Day"": ""17"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""DateOfBirth"": ""19740517""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""DebtorPostalAddress"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""AddressType"": ""HOUSE"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""AddressLine1"": ""2745 SW VILLA DIRAQ"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""AddressLine2"": ""Apt 304"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""City"": ""Kansas City"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""State"": ""MO"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""ZipCode"": ""66610"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""CountryCode"": ""840"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Nationality"": ""USA"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Country"": "" USA ""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""DebtorContact"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""PrimaryEmail"": """",
" + "\n" +
@" ""PrimaryPhone"": ""0016540010002""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""DebtorAccount"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""AccountNumber"": ""2001101"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""AccountType"": ""SAVINGS"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""AccountName"": ""GENERAL ACCOUNT"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Institution"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""Identification"": ""021000018"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""IdentificationType"": ""F"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Name"": ""Bank Of New York""
" + "\n" +
@" }
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""DebtorGeoLocation"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""Latitude"": ""13.02354160"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Longitude"": ""80.14923669""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""Creditor"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""CustomerType"": ""ACCOUNT_HOLDER"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""UserType"": ""INDIVIDUAL"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Identification"": ""994140005"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""IdentificationType"": ""SSN"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""CustomerNumber"": ""994140005"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Name"": ""Donnell Smith""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""CreditorAccount"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""AccountNumber"": ""2100000000000005"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""AccountType"": ""CHECKING"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""AccountName"": ""GENERAL ACCOUNT"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Institution"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""Name"": ""Union Savings Bank"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Identification"": ""011102502"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""IdentificationType"": ""F""
" + "\n" +
@" }
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""CreditorDateOfBirth"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""Year"": ""1970"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Month"": ""11"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Day"": ""15""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""CreditorPostalAddress"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""AddressType"": ""HOUSE"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""AddressLine1"": ""3745 SW VENEZULA CUBARD IRANMA"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""AddressLine2"": ""Suite C"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""City"": ""Topeka"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""State"": ""KS"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""ZipCode"": ""66610"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""CountryCode"": ""840"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Nationality"": "" VENEZUALA "",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Country"": ""VENEZUALA""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""CreditorContact"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""PrimaryEmail"": """",
" + "\n" +
@" ""PrimaryPhone"": ""0017850010002""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""Customer"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""Identification"": ""4000100001000001"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Name"": ""Respondent Bank"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""AccountNumber"": ""2000000000000001""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""FedDetails"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""FedSender"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""Identification"": ""011102502"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""IdentificationType"": ""ABA"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Name"": ""Union Savings Bank""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""FedReceiver"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""Identification"": ""021000018"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""IdentificationType"": ""ABA"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Name"": ""Bank Of New York""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""BusinessFunctionCode"": ""CTP"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""FiToFiInfo"": ""SHA"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""ReceiverFiInformation"": ""Self-enabling"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""BeneficiaryInformation"": ""Client Refund"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""BeneficiaryFIInformation"": ""Customer Credit Note""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""Risk"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""MachineFingerPrint"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""IpAddress"": """",
" + "\n" +
@" ""OperatingSystem"": ""Mac OS"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""WebBrowser"": ""safari"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Uuid"": ""7609EFD3-CED4-440F-9C18-D330EE9311FC"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Model"": ""iPhone"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""SystemName"": ""iOS"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""SystemVersion"": ""13.3.1"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""PhoneName"": ""My IPHONE"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Imei"": """",
" + "\n" +
@" ""SessionId"": """",
" + "\n" +
@" ""OperatingSystemFamily"": ""MAC_OS"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""OperatingSystemProducer"": ""Apple Computer, Inc.""
" + "\n" +
@" },
" + "\n" +
@" ""GeoLocation"": {
" + "\n" +
@" ""Latitude"": ""39.75931104"",
" + "\n" +
@" ""Longitude"": ""-105.01091174""
" + "\n" +
@" }
" + "\n" +
@" }
" + "\n" +
request.AddStringBody(body, DataFormat.Json);
RestResponse response = await client.ExecuteAsync(request);
package main
import (
func main() {
url := "{{localCEUrl}}/analytics/rest/eventApi/event"
method := "POST"
payload := strings.NewReader(`{`+"
"InstructionIdentification": "f9a820da-7bcd-4941-b85c-201169ccf41a",`+"
"EndToEndIdentification": "31fe4401-d804-441e-b67a-44016b99b08f",`+"
"Reason": "Loan Repayment",`+"
"Channel": "WIRE",`+"
"TranactionType": "WIRE_OUT",`+"
"TranactionCode": "WIRE_OUT_CTP",`+"
"Source": "LEDGER",`+"
"TransactionAmount": {`+"
"Amount": "21.00",`+"
"Currency": "USD"`+"
"Debtor": {`+"
"CustomerType": "ACCOUNT_HOLDER",`+"
"UserType": "INDIVIDUAL",`+"
"Identification": "894100103",`+"
"IdentificationType": "SSN",`+"
"CustomerNumber": "894100103",`+"
"InstitutionNumber": "123456789012345",`+"
"Name": "Nicholaus Abshire",`+"
"NameInFile": "Nicholaus Abshire",`+"
"Gender": "Male"`+"
"DebtorDateOfBirth": {`+"
"Year": "1974",`+"
"Month": "05",`+"
"Day": "17",`+"
"DateOfBirth": "19740517"`+"
"DebtorPostalAddress": {`+"
"AddressType": "HOUSE",`+"
"AddressLine1": "2745 SW VILLA DIRAQ",`+"
"AddressLine2": "Apt 304",`+"
"City": "Kansas City",`+"
"State": "MO",`+"
"ZipCode": "66610",`+"
"CountryCode": "840",`+"
"Nationality": "USA",`+"
"Country": " USA "`+"
"DebtorContact": {`+"
"PrimaryEmail": "",`+"
"PrimaryPhone": "0016540010002"`+"
"DebtorAccount": {`+"
"AccountNumber": "2001101",`+"
"AccountType": "SAVINGS",`+"
"AccountName": "GENERAL ACCOUNT",`+"
"Institution": {`+"
"Identification": "021000018",`+"
"IdentificationType": "F",`+"
"Name": "Bank Of New York"`+"
"DebtorGeoLocation": {`+"
"Latitude": "13.02354160",`+"
"Longitude": "80.14923669"`+"
"Creditor": {`+"
"CustomerType": "ACCOUNT_HOLDER",`+"
"UserType": "INDIVIDUAL",`+"
"Identification": "994140005",`+"
"IdentificationType": "SSN",`+"
"CustomerNumber": "994140005",`+"
"Name": "Donnell Smith"`+"
"CreditorAccount": {`+"
"AccountNumber": "2100000000000005",`+"
"AccountType": "CHECKING",`+"
"AccountName": "GENERAL ACCOUNT",`+"
"Institution": {`+"
"Name": "Union Savings Bank",`+"
"Identification": "011102502",`+"
"IdentificationType": "F"`+"
"CreditorDateOfBirth": {`+"
"Year": "1970",`+"
"Month": "11",`+"
"Day": "15"`+"
"CreditorPostalAddress": {`+"
"AddressType": "HOUSE",`+"
"AddressLine1": "3745 SW VENEZULA CUBARD IRANMA",`+"
"AddressLine2": "Suite C",`+"
"City": "Topeka",`+"
"State": "KS",`+"
"ZipCode": "66610",`+"
"CountryCode": "840",`+"
"Nationality": " VENEZUALA ",`+"
"Country": "VENEZUALA"`+"
"CreditorContact": {`+"
"PrimaryEmail": "",`+"
"PrimaryPhone": "0017850010002"`+"
"Customer": {`+"
"Identification": "4000100001000001",`+"
"Name": "Respondent Bank",`+"
"AccountNumber": "2000000000000001"`+"
"FedDetails": {`+"
"FedSender": {`+"
"Identification": "011102502",`+"
"IdentificationType": "ABA",`+"
"Name": "Union Savings Bank"`+"
"FedReceiver": {`+"
"Identification": "021000018",`+"
"IdentificationType": "ABA",`+"
"Name": "Bank Of New York"`+"
"BusinessFunctionCode": "CTP",`+"
"FiToFiInfo": "SHA",`+"
"ReceiverFiInformation": "Self-enabling",`+"
"BeneficiaryInformation": "Client Refund",`+"
"BeneficiaryFIInformation": "Customer Credit Note"`+"
"Risk": {`+"
"MachineFingerPrint": {`+"
"IpAddress": "",`+"
"OperatingSystem": "Mac OS",`+"
"WebBrowser": "safari",`+"
"Uuid": "7609EFD3-CED4-440F-9C18-D330EE9311FC",`+"
"Model": "iPhone",`+"
"SystemName": "iOS",`+"
"SystemVersion": "13.3.1",`+"
"PhoneName": "My IPHONE",`+"
"Imei": "",`+"
"SessionId": "",`+"
"OperatingSystemFamily": "MAC_OS",`+"
"OperatingSystemProducer": "Apple Computer, Inc."`+"
"GeoLocation": {`+"
"Latitude": "39.75931104",`+"
"Longitude": "-105.01091174"`+"
client := &http.Client {
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, payload)
if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
res, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
var https = require('follow-redirects').https;
var fs = require('fs');
var options = {
'method': 'POST',
'hostname': '{{localCEUrl}}',
'path': '/analytics/rest/eventApi/event',
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
'maxRedirects': 20
var req = https.request(options, function (res) {
var chunks = [];
res.on("data", function (chunk) {
res.on("end", function (chunk) {
var body = Buffer.concat(chunks);
res.on("error", function (error) {
var postData = JSON.stringify({
"InstructionIdentification": "f9a820da-7bcd-4941-b85c-201169ccf41a",
"EndToEndIdentification": "31fe4401-d804-441e-b67a-44016b99b08f",
"Reason": "Loan Repayment",
"Channel": "WIRE",
"TranactionType": "WIRE_OUT",
"TranactionCode": "WIRE_OUT_CTP",
"Source": "LEDGER",
"TransactionAmount": {
"Amount": "21.00",
"Currency": "USD"
"Debtor": {
"CustomerType": "ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
"UserType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"Identification": "894100103",
"IdentificationType": "SSN",
"CustomerNumber": "894100103",
"InstitutionNumber": "123456789012345",
"Name": "Nicholaus Abshire",
"NameInFile": "Nicholaus Abshire",
"Gender": "Male"
"DebtorDateOfBirth": {
"Year": "1974",
"Month": "05",
"Day": "17",
"DateOfBirth": "19740517"
"DebtorPostalAddress": {
"AddressType": "HOUSE",
"AddressLine1": "2745 SW VILLA DIRAQ",
"AddressLine2": "Apt 304",
"City": "Kansas City",
"State": "MO",
"ZipCode": "66610",
"CountryCode": "840",
"Nationality": "USA",
"Country": " USA "
"DebtorContact": {
"PrimaryEmail": "",
"PrimaryPhone": "0016540010002"
"DebtorAccount": {
"AccountNumber": "2001101",
"AccountType": "SAVINGS",
"AccountName": "GENERAL ACCOUNT",
"Institution": {
"Identification": "021000018",
"IdentificationType": "F",
"Name": "Bank Of New York"
"DebtorGeoLocation": {
"Latitude": "13.02354160",
"Longitude": "80.14923669"
"Creditor": {
"CustomerType": "ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
"UserType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"Identification": "994140005",
"IdentificationType": "SSN",
"CustomerNumber": "994140005",
"Name": "Donnell Smith"
"CreditorAccount": {
"AccountNumber": "2100000000000005",
"AccountType": "CHECKING",
"AccountName": "GENERAL ACCOUNT",
"Institution": {
"Name": "Union Savings Bank",
"Identification": "011102502",
"IdentificationType": "F"
"CreditorDateOfBirth": {
"Year": "1970",
"Month": "11",
"Day": "15"
"CreditorPostalAddress": {
"AddressType": "HOUSE",
"AddressLine1": "3745 SW VENEZULA CUBARD IRANMA",
"AddressLine2": "Suite C",
"City": "Topeka",
"State": "KS",
"ZipCode": "66610",
"CountryCode": "840",
"Nationality": " VENEZUALA ",
"Country": "VENEZUALA"
"CreditorContact": {
"PrimaryEmail": "",
"PrimaryPhone": "0017850010002"
"Customer": {
"Identification": "4000100001000001",
"Name": "Respondent Bank",
"AccountNumber": "2000000000000001"
"FedDetails": {
"FedSender": {
"Identification": "011102502",
"IdentificationType": "ABA",
"Name": "Union Savings Bank"
"FedReceiver": {
"Identification": "021000018",
"IdentificationType": "ABA",
"Name": "Bank Of New York"
"BusinessFunctionCode": "CTP",
"FiToFiInfo": "SHA",
"ReceiverFiInformation": "Self-enabling",
"BeneficiaryInformation": "Client Refund",
"BeneficiaryFIInformation": "Customer Credit Note"
"Risk": {
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"SystemVersion": "13.3.1",
"PhoneName": "My IPHONE",
"Imei": "",
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"OperatingSystemProducer": "Apple Computer, Inc."
"GeoLocation": {
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"Reason": "Loan Repayment",
"Channel": "WIRE",
"TranactionType": "WIRE_OUT",
"TranactionCode": "WIRE_OUT_CTP",
"Source": "LEDGER",
"TransactionAmount": {
"Amount": "21.00",
"Currency": "USD"
"Debtor": {
"CustomerType": "ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
"UserType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"Identification": "894100103",
"IdentificationType": "SSN",
"CustomerNumber": "894100103",
"InstitutionNumber": "123456789012345",
"Name": "Nicholaus Abshire",
"NameInFile": "Nicholaus Abshire",
"Gender": "Male"
"DebtorDateOfBirth": {
"Year": "1974",
"Month": "05",
"Day": "17",
"DateOfBirth": "19740517"
"DebtorPostalAddress": {
"AddressType": "HOUSE",
"AddressLine1": "2745 SW VILLA DIRAQ",
"AddressLine2": "Apt 304",
"City": "Kansas City",
"State": "MO",
"ZipCode": "66610",
"CountryCode": "840",
"Nationality": "USA",
"Country": " USA "
"DebtorContact": {
"PrimaryEmail": "",
"PrimaryPhone": "0016540010002"
"DebtorAccount": {
"AccountNumber": "2001101",
"AccountType": "SAVINGS",
"AccountName": "GENERAL ACCOUNT",
"Institution": {
"Identification": "021000018",
"IdentificationType": "F",
"Name": "Bank Of New York"
"DebtorGeoLocation": {
"Latitude": "13.02354160",
"Longitude": "80.14923669"
"Creditor": {
"CustomerType": "ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
"UserType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"Identification": "994140005",
"IdentificationType": "SSN",
"CustomerNumber": "994140005",
"Name": "Donnell Smith"
"CreditorAccount": {
"AccountNumber": "2100000000000005",
"AccountType": "CHECKING",
"AccountName": "GENERAL ACCOUNT",
"Institution": {
"Name": "Union Savings Bank",
"Identification": "011102502",
"IdentificationType": "F"
"CreditorDateOfBirth": {
"Year": "1970",
"Month": "11",
"Day": "15"
"CreditorPostalAddress": {
"AddressType": "HOUSE",
"AddressLine1": "3745 SW VENEZULA CUBARD IRANMA",
"AddressLine2": "Suite C",
"City": "Topeka",
"State": "KS",
"ZipCode": "66610",
"CountryCode": "840",
"Nationality": " VENEZUALA ",
"Country": "VENEZUALA"
"CreditorContact": {
"PrimaryEmail": "",
"PrimaryPhone": "0017850010002"
"Customer": {
"Identification": "4000100001000001",
"Name": "Respondent Bank",
"AccountNumber": "2000000000000001"
"FedDetails": {
"FedSender": {
"Identification": "011102502",
"IdentificationType": "ABA",
"Name": "Union Savings Bank"
"FedReceiver": {
"Identification": "021000018",
"IdentificationType": "ABA",
"Name": "Bank Of New York"
"BusinessFunctionCode": "CTP",
"FiToFiInfo": "SHA",
"ReceiverFiInformation": "Self-enabling",
"BeneficiaryInformation": "Client Refund",
"BeneficiaryFIInformation": "Customer Credit Note"
"Risk": {
"MachineFingerPrint": {
"IpAddress": "",
"OperatingSystem": "Mac OS",
"WebBrowser": "safari",
"Uuid": "7609EFD3-CED4-440F-9C18-D330EE9311FC",
"Model": "iPhone",
"SystemName": "iOS",
"SystemVersion": "13.3.1",
"PhoneName": "My IPHONE",
"Imei": "",
"SessionId": "",
"OperatingSystemFamily": "MAC_OS",
"OperatingSystemProducer": "Apple Computer, Inc."
"GeoLocation": {
"Latitude": "39.75931104",
"Longitude": "-105.01091174"
Response: 200
Payload Parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | String ID of the request Example – "2c401098-5058-4778-a553-1cf8b903c45b" |
jsonrpc | String JSON-RPC version used for the API Example – "2.0" |
method | String API method Example – "ce.event" |
result | Object |
resp | String Type of response Example – "event" |
status | String Status of the event Example – "1" |
transactionNumber | String Unique number of transaction Example – "dfc3affc-a504-42f7-8ea7-b45d8761d136" |
riskScore | Number Estimated Risk score of the transaction Example – 202 |
signalScore | Number Signal reliability score of the transaction Example – 126 |
scenarioScore | Number Score of specific scenarios related to the transaction event Example – 0 |
tokenScore | Number Score of token authentication used in the transaction Example – 0 |
categoryScore | Number Event category score of transaction Example – 76 |
ofacConfidentScore | Number Estimated score of compliance with OFAC regulations Example – 0 |
debtorProfileId | String Unique ID of debtor profile Example – "9C1C1A87D297C038D71DD1623F03191D" |
creditorProfileId | String Unique ID of creditor profile Example – "2CED9F48EE3B49D97D9263F1AEAB26D8" |
error | String Shows information, if any error occurs during transaction Example – null |
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"error": null